Why Should I use rEALM?
Realm® puts the power of real ministry into the hands of everyone in your church.
Direct messaging makes it easy for you to start conversations one on one or communicate with all the members in a group at one time.
Open up the mobile app to get details about upcoming events, see RSVPs, and note any number of guests or items people signed up to bring.
- Reach Out Whenever Necessary
Tap on someone's profile to initiate contact immediately. It's super convenient, and you don't have to memorize anyone's contact information.
You can read church-wide posts, check out upcoming events, double-check group meetings, and RSVP to any church event.
The photo directory was church social networking 1.0, but today you can maintain your own info and photos and your communication preferences any time.
- Review Your Personal Giving
You have the tools you need to assist you in giving more consistently. You can review your total giving or check if a recent gift has been processed anytime and from anywhere.
Anyone in your church can easily keep their information up to date and connect with others.
Register Now Online

Free REALM Connect App
The "Connect - Our Church Community" app fully integrates with your Realm Connect and is designed to engage you with our entire church family. Once you download and open the application, you will need to contact our church office for our unique church identification code.